Does a Location Exception always leads to a horizontal completion?
What is the value of tracking, analyzing, and mapping Location Exceptions? Intuitively, one could make an assumption that any new horizontal well will need a location exception in order to maximize well spacing, right? We did a simple study using Atla to test our theory.
Here are Location Exceptions that were ordered over the last year.
Now overlay the last 6 months of PERMITS & COMPLETIONS
In Oseberg’s flagship product Atla, the Permits are visualized as a Triangle and the Completions are visualized as a Circle. Horizontal completions have a yellow stick indicating the lateral. Notice that EVERY SINGLE horizontal completion is on top of a Location Exception?
Now look closer at 12-16N-07W where Marathon had 8 horizontal completions.
Want to guess how many Location Exceptions were ordered 6 months prior to the completions? If you guessed 8 you may have spotted the pattern.
If you want to predict where completions are coming next, the Location Exception may be your new best friend(as long as you have an intuitive application that lets you filter and map with a few clicks…oh yah, Oseberg has one of those).
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